Indian Matrimonial Services Provider


    1. We are providing this web site to enable boys and girls of marriage age to find an eligible match by getting introduced to each other through our co-operation.

    2. Age of the Boys must be minimum 21 years and above and age of Girls must be of minimum 18 years and above to en rolled themselves to our website.

    3. It will be Free of cost to register yourself with us to upload your resume but to avail other’s profile from us one must go through by paying settled registration fees.

    4. Individuals are solely responsible by themselves in providing their information seen on this website.

    5. Every individual registering on our site must provide true information and not hide any facts.

    6. Individuals are recommended to use the information from this web site for their personal use and not use the information in any unauthorised other commercial purpose.

    7. Individuals using this website are requested to remember their login user id which will be an email id provided by them also remember their password and maintain secrecy of their password.

    8. Individuals are requested Not to disclose their password to any one, be it any staff from our own organisation.

    9. Individuals are recommended Not to disclose any Important, Personal and Secret information about themselves without contacting us personally on our mobile nos. {+91 9811387438 and +91 9811097230}

    10. Individuals are requested to share or reply information only to our registered email ids.

    11 We are not responsible to any damage caused in case member information is leaked out to other sources.

    12 Our organisation will not be responsible to any loss or damage caused in sudden disruption or discontinuation of the website on line.

    13 Once an individual is registered with our organisation and has started to avail our profiles the same will be restricted to interact with us only for further interaction with a selected profile and are highly recommended not to deal directly in even in case of their personal acquaintance with an availed profile is latterly discovered.

    14 Please note : Any financial dealings like our consultancy fees or any other applicable charges liable by a member for our organisation must be personally cleared and paid in time as settled in first meeting before marriage date .

    15 Paid consultancy fees or any other amount prior settled is Non Refundable.

    16.This is notify that all the proposals recommended by us has full details. Everyone is requested to find out the entire details of the boy/girl through their personal sources before taking the matter ahead. The company shall not be responsible for any misinterpretation details as the same has been provided by the parents of the boy/girl.

    17.We are liable only to introduce one to each other and fix meetings,.

    18.We are not responsible /liable for any conduct, behavior, character, inquiry, one's worth, assets, financial dealing, income, any verification, content, information or any attachment given by the individual regarding the bio-data/snap.

    19.We didn't match any horoscope. For this client is solely responsible.

    20.We didn't keep any other information of individual accept the bio-data.

    21 We are not responsible for any dispute or legal activities before or after marriage.

    22.We are not responsible for any use of this service prohibited by law.

    23 Please do not register in case the clauses are not agreeable.

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